Check out these photos of animals images:
Zebra crossing - Zebrastreifen
Image by alles-schlumpf
Large view on black.
I have photographed the zebras in the wild in Tsavo, Kenya. It was the first time I saw them outside a zoo. Beautiful animals.
Ich habe die Zebras in Tsavo, Kenia, fotografiert. Es war das erste Mal, dass ich Zebras in freier Wildbahn gesehen habe. Wunderschöne Tiere!
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If you intend to use any of my pictures for non-commercial usage, you have to sign them with © alles-schlumpf
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You find some of my photos on Getty Images. Search for Alles-schlumpf.
Thank you.
Cruelty in Foie gras
Image by pickled_newt ( busy again on n off B)
This photo is attributed to the works of Jerry.
In view of posting a dish with Foie gras ,I did some reading about the latter .Although I have the idea of the cruel techniques inflicted on ducks to produce Fioe gras ,IMHO posting a picture of only the dish alone, and rant about force feeding ducks / geese makes the subject a bit limp / low impact .To highlight animal cruelty ,there's the need of a picture depicting the process of force feeding which I don't have. Then I spotted this brilliant photo of a duck or maybe goose being forced feed in wikipedia....
If " A picture speaks a thousand words " then this is it !
Imagine the duck in the picture as yourself , sure you would hate ,horrified by it.
It's a slow death .
* Scientific Evidence Proves: Foie Gras is Foul
* Foie_gras
Ecomuseum - Renard Artique - Arctic Fox
Image by Humanoide
Dimanche, le 20 mai 2007, je suis allé à l'Ecomuseum avec le groupe Photo Safari Montreal. C'est un zoo privé avec plein de végétation et d'animaux de toutes sortes. C'est pas mal grand et très beau à voir. J'ai toujours un peu de peine à voir des animaux en captivité, mais je comprend le coté éducatif de la chose. Je crois que c'est bien fait en général, avec un certain espace disponible pour les animaux, incluant des parties plus "intimes" où ils peuvent se reposer. Ce n'est pas cher et c'est vraiment intéressant.
On Sunday, May 20, 2007, I went to the Ecomuseum with the Photo Safari Montreal group. It's a private zoo with a lot of plants and animals of all kind. It always make me a little sad to see animals in captivity, but I understand the educational part of it. I think they did a good job in general, with a certain amount of space available to the animals, including more "intimate" areas where they can rest. It's a beautiful place and very affordable.