
Nice Photos Of Animals photos

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A few nice photos of animals images I found:

Animal Collective @ Ippodromo delle Capannelle, Rome - July 22, 2009
photos of animals

Image by Daniela Vladimirova
Pitto enjoying the Animal Collective opening act and the long preparation of NIN, who were backstage busy at eating foetuses

Darwin in 26 weeks, week 6/2011: Animals II
photos of animals

Image by prestoy
"When we look to the individuals of the same variety or sub-variety of our older cultivated plants and animals, one of the first points which strikes us, is, that they generally differ much more from each other, than do the individuals of any one species or variety in a state of nature."

Norwegian Fjord Horse (in the foreground) and some warm blooded breed.

In norwegian: Når vi ser på individer av samme variant eller undervarianter av våre gamle dyrkede planter og avlede dyr, er noe av det første som slår oss at de vanligvis avviker mye mer fra hverandre enn individene av noen arter eller varianter i naturlig tilstand.

Fjordhest ("fjording") med en varmblodsrase i bakgrunnen.

Deathmobile from 'Animal House' movie: 1966 Lincoln Continental
photos of animals

Image by skeggy
1966 Lincoln Continental

National Lampoon's Animal House is a 1978 comedy film directed by John Landis. It's based on stories written by Chris Miller and published in National Lampoon magazine. The film is about a misfit group of fraternity boys that takes on the system at their college.

It is considered to be the movie that launched the gross-out genre, although it was predated by several films now also included in the genre. Produced on a small .7 million budget, the film has turned out to be one of the most profitable movies of all time. Since its initial release, Animal House has garnered an estimated return of more than 1 million in the form of video and DVDs, not including merchandising. In 2001, the United States Library of Congress deemed the film "culturally significant" and selected it for preservation in the National Film Registry. (Info from Wikipedia)